How does aura photography work?
Aura photography uses specialized biofeedback technology to capture the energy you radiate. When you place your hands on the sensors, it reads subtle electrical impulses from your body and translates them into a vibrant, colorful representation of your aura. This translation happens inside of the proprietary electronics of the Coggins AuraCam 6000, with no intervention on our part! Each color corresponds to different aspects of your emotional, mental, and energetic state, giving you a visual snapshot of your unique energy in this moment.
What comes in a photo session?
Each aura photo session includes:
An aura portrait on instant film that visually represents your energy.
An interpretation guide explaining what your aura colors mean.
A keepsake container to protect and hold your aura photo and guide.
*Some sessions may vary widely, and can include group experiences, deeper readings with your questions answered, digital copies, and event-based customizations. Please send us an inquiry to find out more!
What can we learn from an aura photo?
An aura photo provides insight into your current energy, emotional state, and inner balance. The colors and patterns in your aura can reflect your personality, mood, and even how you interact with others. It’s a fun, insightful way to understand yourself better and explore the connection between energy and perception.
What if I have a "bad" aura?
Good news—there’s no such thing as a “bad” aura! Auras are constantly shifting and reflect where you are in the present moment. Much of the stress we may be feeling is an opportunity for awareness, transformation, and self-care. Your energy is uniquely yours, and every aura has beauty and meaning.
What is the purpose of this?
Aura photography is a tool for self-reflection, insight, and connection. Whether you’re seeking a deeper understanding of yourself, a fun and mystical experience, or a unique way to spark conversations, aura photography helps you see and appreciate yourself and others on an energetic level.
Do auras change?
Yes! Auras are dynamic and shift based on your experiences, emotions, and overall energy. What are you thinking, feeling and doing? Just like your mood and activities change throughout the day, your aura can evolve based on what’s happening in your life. Some aspects of your aura may be more consistent, reflecting your core personality, while other elements change in response to your current state.