February Colorscopes!
Feb 2020 - Colorscopes By Vinisha Rumph
How do we breakthrough? What does that mean and look for each of us individually? What have we cast aside for things that only left us disappointed, tired, and resentful? Where’s the love we stepped forward so willing to give and receive only for it to be withheld or harvested and distributed about like wartime rations? How can we become our unlimited reservoir in a space where all feels finite and disposable.
What have we overlooked? When are we overlooked? Are we asking the right questions or are we completely certain we have answers to meet our needs, motives, and practices. No one knows anything. All things are felt in our innerstanding and practiced not in rehearsal but during the actual production— opening night! Create moments that are followed in standing ovation. Live a life you appreciate and not one that is fueled by pride.
Inspired feelings and actions must not be mistaken for whimsy. It’s time to come out and play. You’ve been dwelling in a place of mistrust and worry for you fear that what you care about most isn’t protected, seen, or coming into fruition. You’re nearly there. Not all fields are free from rocks, but things still grow. Contemplate the inner city trees and how they breakthrough concrete and keep on growing. They don’t stop to scorn the surrounding infrastructure. Allow yourself to outgrow your surroundings.
Where you invest your energy, affects your stamina. Once you’re accounts are in order, you’ll be able to bust through whatever you once believed was holding you back. Take time to notice how that is a projection of your own self-sabotage. Once you do, you’ll be unstoppable. Get the ball rolling and put those horns to good use, dear Aries.
While this may be unusual, I picture you spending time in a furniture store, luxuriating in each staged room imagining the life that would match each piece, each scene. It may not be possible to shop for a new life but that doesn’t mean you can’t explore the showroom a little bit. Venture off to new locales and you may find something that you never knew you wanted until now.
You’ll wonder how you even managed to make it all ‘fit’ together, finding out the real cause for your consistent inquisition. Upon further investigation, you uncover hidden talents and ease that you tucked away from yourself thinking it too far from your reality for it to be something you are actually capable of. The morale of this story? Don’t fear the unknown because it even exists within you. Laying dormant until you’re ready for it to awaken. May you find peace on this new path.
You may have found a means to stand tall but are you still avoiding the pleasure you could allow yourself even during times of hard work and discipline? What calls to you may be justified through logistical or practical means, but what else does it truly hold for you. Would others consider you irresponsible reaching for some pipe dream if they knew your true aims?
One lie we were told as children is that we have to grow up at some point. While we do ‘grow up’ and mature in our ways one huge mistake we make is the loss of play, wonder, and fantasy. Allow yourself those pleasures for they are the keys to manifesting. It’s not about what information is there, is what information you’re producing within. Why buy into something that doesn’t pay off— where are the receipts for the advice those around have been giving?
Not everyone’s reality has to match up or make sense for truth to reside there. There’s potential all around us and we are the makers and shapers of it. Allow your aspirations to wrap around you like silk, not the most practical fabric but damn comfortable and luxurious.
Practice patience now that you’re learning the offerings of language. You may wanna go off left and right, conquering through the powers of artful speech and wordsmithing. Congruent conversations are met with periods of pause and even silence. Pacing is the next module of the curriculum, so keep it cool focus on presentation and appearance. It’s one thing to be able to speak and write your thoughts to be absorbed and understood by another party, now you’re learning about the physical and unspoken communication that takes place. What vibes do you put out and does that impact your message and undermine your progress.
On another note, did you forget the allure of the strong silent type? This is your chance to explore that archetype and forge your own seductive mysteries. If people figure you out too quickly or you have a tendency to overshare (especially when you’re more empowered at communicating) they lose interest quickly. Our primal, sexy side enjoys the thrill of the chase/hunt. It’s another form of play. Enjoy it.
You’ll look back on this time fondly. Keep track of your progress and take notes as you go. You’ll want to refer back to them at some point maybe to even pass them along to another one day.
Are you an early riser? There’s something magical to behold and collaborate with in the pre-dawn atmosphere. Consider making changes to your schedule as spring nears. You’ve got something waiting for you outside of the normal, everyday routine. I’m not
saying this is a time for spontaneity per se, but jumble things around a bit— experiment!
Sometimes a little shock to the system is what you need to knock out the crusty bits and get fresh once again. You don’t need to keep pulling from the same resources anymore. It’ll do you no good and people will begin to catch on and then move on. If you aren’t able to shift your routine, what else can you do to encourage some neural plasticity. Create new connections, new possibilities.
Gateway to mastery through discipline and simplicity— streamlining your life. The Zen Virgo Way. There a calm knowing when things are broken down to their simplest form. How can you offer yourself more straightforward methods? Have you been peeking over in other people’s corners in an attempt to match what’s out there— feeling like there’s something you’re missing? That a mistake a lot of us make, accepting the concept that something is missing if things aren’t working in our favor.
What you will learn is perhaps there’s a piece that no longer needs to exist in this system. A part that is ineffective and therefore brings down the momentum and energy of something that is best offered in it’s purest form without frills and fantasy. Or maybe I’m really saying that you need your appendix removed (hopefully that’s not the case). There is a lesson in that though. As we evolve and become wiser, less is necessary in order to keep light and travel far.
Artful and calculating— you’re finding that there’s a beauty and grace in the destruction of what you thought you’d become and how you once believed you were supposed to show up. We can’t all be the belle of the ball and even then, she’s too occupied pleasing everyone, seeking to validate and match their projections because losing that shine would lead to an unimaginably dull life. Wrong. That is not the case. There’s freedom in this. Disintegration and destruction are part of the creative process— what sparks and provides for the actual creative process.
Embrace the shift, the breaking down before the breakthrough. Hold a vigil for your mind, body, and spirit. Assign a candle to each and carve in questions pertaining to each part of your (w)hol(ly)iness. Remain awake and alert to the natural ebb and flow of your being and see how things shift in response and not the other way around. We must resist the pull of the answer, continue to focus on the questions.
Your heart has become resistant to others thoughts and feelings. Does this behavior protect you or intensify wounds you refuse to mend? Imagine what it would be like to move through emotional conflict with more ease and in less time? Standing water only breeds more things relying on conflict to survive. Bring some enthusiasm when it comes to heart healing. Transcend what you thought you knew about love and caring for others
(and yourself). You don’t have to force yourself into someone else’s emotional narrative in order to bring validation to your feelings and behaviors.
Brighten up and start fresh each day. Quit holding and allow change to happen. Having a plan isn’t what motivates your heart center. It’s all about expression, a living dance of being and relating. If every movement was executed with perfection, you’d cease to have any real feeling conveyed— an audience unmoved, a wave of ennui.
This month you’ll learn to be more attentive to the subtleties of your behavior. Having your heart on your sleeve is wonderful, but only when you’re among good company. As open as your heart wishes to be, some folks need a trial period or some serious vetting before acceptance into your inner circle of unconditional love and comfort. It’s time to up-level your emotional intelligence and wisdom with the information you’ve gathered. Should you fail to tune in and pay attention, what you intended may fail to actualize and conflict will be imminent.
Once you’ve done your homework, it’s time to truly love through spirit. Connecting with your crown and third eye to nourish your heart as you discover ‘perfect love’ in action. It’s intuitive, responsive— a sentient force that moves swift, free, and fearless much like the horse. Connect with the beauty of horse medicine— perhaps even channeling some unicorn energy if you really wanna get magical this month.
Remember that sourness from last month? It’s shifted to a more palatable tangy energy as you’ve sucked out some of the sweetness from otherwise bleak and challenging circumstances. You’re invited to pat yourself on the back, Saturn is nearly out of your sign and hopefully you’re beginning to acclimate to the new levels of consequence and responsibility associated with the Lord of Karma. Your growing pains haven’t yet resided as you had assumed, but you’re feeling more hopeful— stronger and more capable of practicing what you preach. No longer accepting what is offered to you if it comes with a price you’re not willing to pay or laced with toxic energy.
Others may see you as a wild force, but that’s only because they seek to tame you for the lands they sectioned you into. You may not be able to boldly bust out from these boundaries right away, but if you can quell your feral tendencies and guide them toward a more productive strategy, you’ll be able to alter the terrain to match your vision in due time. Not all things bloom naturally overnight.
Have you truly foraged all the potent juices and magic that your roots have to offer you? Dig deep within and seek out your inner child for a full collaborative partnership. It’s not going to give your work any less merit and in fact, you’ll see your skills mature faster
than ever before. Embrace yourself as a fully creative force to be reckoned with. Here’s your official cease and desist letter and it’s about playing small and hiding what you’ve really got going on for you.
You may find that as you perform this historical alchemy, that you haven’t yet fully explored your past with a perspective that meets your experience as an adult. Practice some grace for what has transpired, the people involved, and most especially yourself. Get clear on what you left behind or shoved away in each vignette you delve into and how you can shift what’s there to make it useable, digestible, and light. It’s time to recreate your story with you as the playful victor.
Rebirth through swimming up stream, against the current of learned behavior. January concluded perhaps with you frozen in your tracks with the desire to keep it cool. As February progresses, it’s time to work your extremities and resist playing it safe. Your peace-seeking has allowed you the cherished knowledge and perspective of the watchful observer but that period is coming to an end by March.
Prepare to swim against the ways you’ve found comfort in for so long. New modes of operation must be explored in order to keep people on their toes and outdated expectations thrown out like day old rubbish. People have been overstepping your boundaries for too long. Unexpected and unwanted visitors may creep and latch onto your potential no longer. It’s time to really see yourself for what you really are and that could be exactly what you’ve been avoiding. There’s something new gestating and requires you match it by reinventing how you maneuver and what you’re willing to accept within and without.