March Colorscopes
Colorscopes for March 2020
Ooof. Real and getting realer. The veil between our inner and outer worlds is threadbare and impermanent. Don’t impulse by anything. Deliberately penetrate and become. This is your becoming. Witness it fully from all angles. You are acquiring the skills necessary for quantum leaps into unexplored realities. We are at the curve before the exponential acceleration and ascension. This preparation is not the doomsday sorts— it’s the homecoming.
ARIES - #F97394 - Pink Lemonade
What you once thought to be sour is exactly where you find sweetness to exist. Struggling to allow yourself the space to be you and speak you truth caused you to assume it was a problem. There was no problem to begin with, perhaps it just took a little courage and clarification by simply becoming more aware of what sought the light of day from within you. Now you can be surprised and in wonder of what comes through you now in how you're showing up in the world. There is no filter except for the ones that allow more kindness, creativity, and life! You've always been a courageous and outgoing soul but this time you get to do it according to what excites you in the moment-- bending the rules a bit because that's why they are there, right? Boundary pushing for a life refitting, you've been wearing a size too small for some time.
TAURUS - #C1A01F - Buddha Gold
What transpires here is a lack of inner depth and reaching for those parts of your being that you've allowed to shrink and play small. Remember the times when you were bold and fearless? How can you channel that energy and call it into your present reality? What's so different between now and then -- has that much really changed? Not really, but you have. I guarantee you're much wiser and more experienced. That's all the more reason to be courageous and grounded in what really lays dormant within you. Break open and shine through. Maybe you and Scorpio could use some time together to soften, break, and bond. May I suggest some great movies to cry to...
GEMINI - #F7CAC9 - Coral Candy
Joy is eternal but only if you permit it. Fashion yourself a peek into the future by allowing yourself some type of pleasantry or luxury right now. It'll be exactly what puts the wind in your hair and catapults you to places you never imagined. To dream big is to sit with big desires, ones that sometimes seem impossible to fulfill because we face ourselves standing guard at the gate. Try and manifest what is seemingly impossible and you'll quickly realize that large feats are actualized through the accumulated effort given to small tasks -- some that even appear insignificant at first glance. Nothing is too small to be impactful. A reminder that hindsight is 20/20 (no 2020 pun intended).
CANCER - #B5E3D8 - Cruise Love
IS lovely, isn’t it? When pride sets a force that calls for our destruction we will not be so quick to answer this time. “No more losing!” You say to yourself as you stomp your feet. Easy does it. We’re not prying you’re precious from you, but seek something more valuable. You’re forgetting what’s left to mine from within. Why did you spend so much time seeking through those lovely eyes of yours? LEO - #BA5826 - Fiery Orange Call upon the records of trails you blazes to discover the nuggets left behind when you had too much to carry. There may be a little dust on them but that doesn’t mean they’ve reached their expiry date. Should you believe in proper timing, just lean into that and you’ll easily be able to pick up what you once thought you abandoned. It’s okay to blaze a trail and backtrack for a reunion and inevitably a smoother journey ahead. VIRGO - #62B5E5 - Malibu Coughs raucously. Damn, some fiery passions assemble through watery means. You’re full moon this month will have people wondering where you’ve been all this time. Speak up. We’ve been keeping an ear out for your sound, yet patronizing slant. It’s precisely what some lean into when all seems steeped against them. Gentle reminders aren’t enough when all is on the line, ready to be offered. You’ll begin to question your whereabouts also for being in your element may put you in the mindset that you must be forgetting something. Not the case at all. Fold into the wrath of a Virgo at full force. You have plans and some wonderful invitations on their way to you.
LIBRA - #8D89A5 - Antiquate/Grey Suit
Seems like you might be a bit intimidated by some course correction taking place. Take it easy, no one has got it out for you right now. It could be that you’re imagining something to run from if only to keep moving ahead. Nothing needs to be crystal clear to be precisely in line with your motivations. Consider it a grace period for your absence to be felt, your dreams to be differed from your reality— to bring you closer to what it really is you’d like to augment and multiply. Lenience is your word of the month. You’ll find if you push too hard, the world won’t respond so kindly.
SCORPIO - #3E4827 - Bronze Tone
You just need a quick polishing to reveal that shine you’ve forgotten about. Don’t be afraid to ask for some love and attention when you need it. A good cuddle session with a close one will soften your heart and help you release what is covering up your glorious shine.
Don’t fear sensitivity because that’s where we begin to not only heal but merge with our intuitive self. Stop playing by the rules someone made up for you, because that someone must have thought there was much more cruelty in the world than there really is.
In trials and trying times, we reunite with our focus and sweetness— reminding us that we can find reward in simply doing the work required of us. It’s about what we choose to feel and experience. Clean your lenses, wipe your windshield, and keep moving forward. There are no enemies except the ones you’ve chosen to make. Keep choosing until it feels right by choosing what feels right. No opinions or suggestions will be accepted right now. Be deliberate in your dilemmas as there will be many strewn along your path like pearls of wisdom. All moments and opportunities are precious but be reminded you play the role of quality control.
CAPRICORN - D59ED7 - Light Wisteria
Plugged up and ready to explode. What’s the hold up? You were so ready for all this just a few moments ago. Has it come to a point that the release becomes a more serious purging of sorts? Consider this and be prepared to pour out— there’s some type of energy reserve waiting to be tapped into that requires some space and some pace. Resisting the flow only makes it worse. Your identity isn’t as solid in form as you might have originally deemed. You can change and that’s okay. As long as what your value holds true you can utilize that as your framework to pursue more, new, and different.
AQUARIUS - #512179 - Spanish Violet
What you’ve made to be true has come to pass leaving you wondering which part of it was fate and which part was self-fulfilling prophecy or expectation. You may want to shirk responsibility for how things are panning out but where’s the honor in that. Ownership is becoming more of a theme as we approach Aries season. What your response lacks is the connection between the initiation and the end result. What gaps are you leaving exposed and unconsidered? How can you tighten up your process to fully formulate your visions and practice? It’s okay to jump around and experiment but flying by the seat of your pants isn’t a strategy. If you want to aim for higher ground, perceive broader horizons— you have to self delegate. That’s what a process is. You know when you can best tap into your various modes of being. Create a structure around that. Think about how you can support yourself with respect to time, environment, materials, etc.
PISCES - #173F35 Sherwood Green
No more robbing to pay anyone— especially Paul (that jerk owes you one anyway). Don’t be afraid to call in a favor or two (including one from yourself). You have permission to shirk your responsibilities in favor of a real fair exchange. Paradigms are shifting and you are one of the harbingers of this new standard. You have an awareness within that could produce a smooth, yet subversive transition. Trust in your abilities. You’re discovering you have a way with practicality that you may not be emotionally prepared for so allow others to indulge and service you (trusted individuals only).